Why Establish an Estate Plan
Dedicated to Protecting and Preserving Your Life’s Legacy
How does an Estate Plan protect you and your heirs?
In certain circumstances, advanced estate planning techniques are employed to maximize the your estate and the benefit that your heirs may realize. These techniques are used to preserve estate shares from wasteful spending, preserve financial assistance that your heirs may receive, mitigate tax consequences, and even provide for your pets after your demise. Below are the most widely used advance estate planning techniques and a brief explanation.
Why is there a need for estate planning?
By developing an Estate Plan, you can control your assets and save your heirs from the lengthy, costly and emotionally draining process of going through the probate court system. You have worked hard for your money and it only makes
sense to preserve as much of it as possible for your heirs.
In addition to peace of mind, there are six major reasons why people of modest to substantial means should establish an Estate Plan:
Privacy for self and family
Substantial cost savings
Greater control of assets
Quick and easy transition to loved ones
Flexibility and the ability to make changes
Clarification of wishes for end-of-life medical decisions

How will establishing a “Revocable Living Trust” help?
If your assets are not in a revocable living trust they will pass through the probate court system. By using a Trust, you can arrange for the management of your assets after death or during incapacity. Having a Trust alleviates the burden of dealing with complex administrative, legal, and financial issues during an already difficult time. A Trust has several advantages, including avoiding the delays and expense of probate, maintaining privacy, and ensuring that assets continue to be managed properly.
Is it expensive to set up an Estate Plan?
Estate Planning can be very inexpensive, especially when compared to the thousands of dollars and many hours of time that may be spent during the probate process. Estate Planning Legal Services provides a streamlined approach that helps keep costs to a minimum.
Why choose Estate Planning Legal Services?
We focus exclusively on estate planning:
Knowledge and Experience - Our attorneys have over 70 years of combined expertise. We have successfully helped thousands of satisfied clients.
Trust - You and your family can count on us to draft an Estate Plan that is tailored to your family’s needs and wishes.
Commitment- For a one-time charge, you and your family are protected for life.